Oracle Assessment with Migration to Google Cloud Plan

Onix Accelerates Data Modernization for Major US Insurer with Eagle’s Strategic Assessment

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The Company:

A leading commercial insurance provider in the United States, managing vast amounts of data to inform underwriting, pricing, and risk analysis decisions.


Insurance, financial services

The Challenges: 

  • Legacy Infrastructure Limitations:Their reliance on manual data validation processes across distributed systems was time-consuming, prone to errors, and created data movement inefficiencies.Their Oracle data warehouse was becoming costly to maintain, exhibiting performance bottlenecks, and hindering their ability to scale analytics.
  • Need for Modernization:The client sought to migrate their data environment to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for enhanced capabilities and cost efficiencies.
  • Migration Planning Complexity:With a complex data warehouse built over time and limited historical documentation, they needed a clear migration strategy and assessment of their existing landscape.

The Solution

Onix leveraged Eagle, our proprietary Automated Data Migration Planning Tool, to conduct a comprehensive data warehouse assessment. Key insights generated include:

  • End-to-End Discovery:Eagle analyzed data patterns, system dependencies, and data usage, providing a holistic view of the client’s data landscape.
  • Workload Classification:Eagle segmented workloads based on complexity and migration suitability, facilitating phased migration planning.
  • Data Lineage Tracing:Eagle mapped data flow and dependencies, aiding in risk assessment and ensuring data integrity throughout the migration process.
  • Recommendations and Optimization: Eagle generated targeted recommendations based on access patterns, data usage, and resource requirements, optimizing the GCP migration strategy.


  • Reduced SME Time Investment:Eagle’s automated analysis lessened the burden on the client’s technical teams, minimizing disruptions to ongoing operations.
  • Fact-Based Decision-Making:The assessment provided data-driven insights into migration timelines, resource allocation, and potential challenges.
  • Accelerated Migration Timeline:The strategic assessment shortened the planning phase, accelerating the overall time-to-value of the modernization project.

Key Benefits

  • Assessment in Record Time:Completed the assessment in just 5 weeks.
  • Prioritized Workload Migration: Guided the client in prioritizing the migration of critical data workloads for rapid impact.
  • Accurate Resource Planning:Enabled accurate time and budget estimation for the migration project, improving predictability.
  • Reduced Business Risk:Minimized the risk of unexpected delays or issues during the migration.


Onix’s Eagle tool proved invaluable in empowering the insurer’s migration to GCP. The strategic assessment provided a detailed roadmap, accelerating the journey towards a modern, scalable, and cost-efficient data platform.

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