Cloud Security
Posture Review

Assess the security of your cloud estate and accelerate your journey

A strong security program and controls are key components for protecting customer information, supporting business growth, maintaining operational stability and ensuring that compliance requirements are met. The Onix Cloud Security Posture Review is the first step toward understanding the organization’s point-in-time security state in order to determine the best path forward.

Please fill out the form and one of our cloud experts will be in touch shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!

Google Services


Review areas

  • Resource management
  • Identity & access management
  • Network security
  • VM security
  • Data security
  • Security operations
  • Workspace settings
  • Policies and standards

Key benefits

  • Holistic view of risks
  • Clear roadmap for improvements
  • Increase confidence
  • Stay compliant
  • Prepare for audits
  • Improved knowledge about workloads and capabilities

Take the next step

Get in touch with our team of cloud experts and architects 

for a Comprehensive Risk Assessment today.