Easy framework to optimize TCO in cloud modernization journey

Discover why it’s important to get ahead of cost overrun in cloud migration, the best strategies to mitigate, and how Onix’s Birds can accelerate the process.

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of companies have a FinOps team strategizing cloud cost optimization
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cloud cost optimization is the priority for 59% of companies
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of organizations are adopting a multi-cloud strategy
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Reduce your cloud costs with Onix’s Birds suite

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As more organizations recognize the business value of the cloud, it’s set to unlock a value of $1 trillion in 2024. However, delays in cloud migration and cost overruns are adding to organizational woes. According to McKinsey, organizations are projected to lose over $100 billion in wasted cloud spending over the next 3 years.

Companies are realizing the importance of effective cost management for a successful cloud transition. This whitepaper presents the best cost management strategies and practices to optimize cloud costs.

At the end of this whitepaper, you’ll gain insights into why organizations fail to control their cloud costs – and how Onix’s Birds can help you optimize these costs.